
December 5, 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Workshop A
    Working Effectively with Communities to Push Projects Ahead: Keys to Developing a Socially Responsible Approach
    Harry Kim
    Managing Director, Environmental Services Group, Hatch Ltd.
    Olivia Gamache
    Consultant, Environment and Social Responsibility, Hatch Ltd.

    Never has it been more important for businesses to work collaboratively with their host communities to forge positive relationships based on mutual understanding. Learn now to think more holistically about your project and how you can work collaboratively with communities. Lay the groundwork for success by:

    • Developing good process to understand community concerns and how they might be addressed
    • Working to develop a relationship of trust through transparency and a sound communication plan
    • Understanding the level of commitment required to develop an end-to-end project plan that works for both the company and the community during the life of the project and beyond
  • 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
    Workshop B
    Planning and Designing for Effective Consultation & Engagement
    Karen Zypchyn
    Senior Communications Strategist, City of Regina

    Are you or the clients you work with already jumping into tactics without really knowing if they will lead to effective engagement? Would you like to have the conviction to say no to some tactics and yes to others and then convince others in your engagement decisions? If you answered yes, this workshop is for you. Take the mystery out of designing effective engagement. Build a strategy based on it that streamlines a complex process. This workshop will:

    • Identify the key critical elements for effective engagement based on evaluation evidence
    • Introduce an engagement strategy called “The Five-Minute engagement plan” to streamline your planning
    • Give you time to apply “The Five-Minute engagement plan” to a case and determine best tactics to use to ensure effective engagement results
December 5, 2017
December 6, 2017
  • 8:00 AM
    Registration and Breakfast
  • 8:45 AM
    Blessing from a Local First Nation Chief
  • 8:50 AM
    Opening Remarks from Chair & Icebreaker
    John Miller (BA, MA, CPF, CTF)
    President, ICA Associates
  • 9:00 AM
    Opening Keynote Address
    Refining the Art of Consultation and Engagement to Ensure the Success of your Project
    Kara Flynn
    Vice President, Government of Public Affairs, Syncrude Canda Ltd.

    Engaging a wide variety of stakeholders over many years is increasingly complex. Transform your approach to consultation, engagement and stakeholder management to push your projects forward. Create a roadmap to:

    • Approach community consultations on projects that could have a significant impact on the community and are often controversial
    • Develop relationships with Indigenous groups
    • Know what works, what doesn’t and what should be avoided in consultation and engagement processes

    Transform your consultation strategy to engage citizens better.

  • 9:30 AM
    Twitter Panel Discussion
    Designing your Consultation Project: Finding the Approach that Best Fits your Objectives and Budget
    Matt Jackson
    Manager, Stakeholder Relations, Union Gas
    Natalie Poole-Moffatt
    Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Hydro One Networks
    Patrick Tobin
    Director, Arts & Culture Services, Economic Development & Culture Divisions, City of Toronto

    Choosing the optimal level of engagement can be challenging. Tailor your approach to achieve the best results from the resources available. Take back to your office strategies to:

    • Evaluate your mandate, objectives and stakeholder groups to determine the appropriate level of engagement to achieve the results you need
    • Formulate an appropriate approach to fit the scope or stage of your project
    • Discover the budgetary commitments associated with different types and sizes of consultation formats and levels of engagement

    Create a tailored consultation strategy that meets your needs and budget.

  • 10:15 AM
    How to Use E-consultation Platforms to Reach a Wider Stakeholder Group

    Will E-consultation replace traditional consultation forms? Improve how you use E-consultation tools to engage a wider group of citizens and achieve a mandate. Take back to your office strategies to:

    • Identify the right platform for your engagement project
    • Use E-consultation platforms to increase your outreach
    • Measure your engagement levels with online reporting

    Ensure you are using the latest technology to engage with the public.

  • 10:30 AM
    Morning Break
  • 11:00 AM
    Case Study: City of Campbell River, BC
    Achieve Balanced Representation and Results
    Marianne Wade
    Development Services Manager, City of Campbell River, BC

    Identifying all the stakeholders you need to include is critical to the results you hope to achieve. Improve your stakeholder identification process and achieve balanced results. Adopt best practices to:

    • Gain insight into each group and their needs
    • Ensure that the stakeholders match your mandate
    • Determine the optimal number of stakeholders

    Select the right stakeholders to provide real insight

  • 11:30 AM
    Interactive: World Café
    Work Through your Key Challenges in Public Engagement

    Engage in strategic dialogue with fellow consultation practitioners and experts. In small groups, explore best practices, innovations and tools to:

    • Engage the silent majority
    • Deal with a lack of resources
    • Mitigate irreconcilable differences between stakeholders

    Walk away with novel strategies and a renewed commitment to engagement

  • 12:00 PM
    Industry Expert: Digital & Traditional Tools
    Strategies for Reaching your Stakeholder Groups

    Selecting the best methods to reach stakeholders can be a daunting task. Increase your chances of success by discovering how both traditional and modern digital methods can be used effectively. Source your plan of action with:

    • An overall view of digital platforms
    • Traditional methods that have proven to be effective
    • Strategies to match the tools you choose to the age demographic you hope to reach

    Leverage the right mix of engagement tools to reach your stakeholders.

  • 12:30 PM

    The morning will wrap up with a discussion on what to start, what to stop and what to continue doing in your organization.

  • 12:45 PM
    Networking Lunch
  • 1:45 PM
    What We’ve Learned: Consultation Best Practices & Case Studies
    Kirk Perris
    Director of Consultations, Ipsos Public Affairs
    Marc Beaudoin
    Vice President, Ipsos Public Affairs
    Brad Griffin
    Senior Vice President, Ipsos Public Affairs

    Examine best practices and lessons learned from consultations of all types – large, small, national and regional. Explore the role of technology in today’s consultations, how you reach stakeholders, and affect change. Develop strategies to:

    • Use handheld devices for real-time reactions
    • Run engagements fully online
    • Discuss the role of traditional face-to-face engagement

    Explore how you can use technology in your consultations

  • 2:30 PM
    Case Study: City of Summerside, PEI
    How to Successfully Engage Citizens while Enhancing Accountability and Transparency
    Rob Philpott
    Chief Financial Officer, City of Summerside, PEI

    The City of Summerside, PEI has undertaken initiatives to engage residents in open discussions about budget priorities and other topics of municipal concern. Enhance your strategy for citizen engagement while improving transparency, accountability, and public relations. Adopt best practices to:

    • Use citizen participation as a tool for policy development
    • Develop an approach that has proven successful
    • Incorporate good planning, creative thinking, inclusive methodology, and leadership commitment to achieve success’

    Enhance transparency while engaging your stakeholders.

  • 3:00 PM
    Afternoon Break
  • 3:30 PM
    Create a Roadmap to Ensure you Analyze Feedback and Improve Decision-making

    Big data is coming to consultation, and you need to be ready to leverage its potential to improve project outcomes. Discover how to analyze the results of your efforts to increase engagement quickly. Source a plan of action to:

    • Assess your requirements and data analysis needs
    • Gain management buy in for investing in analysis
    • Utilize analytics to enhance your existing consultation plan

    Transform your approach to consultation with the power of big data.

  • 3:45 PM
    Case Study: Bank of Canada
    Ensure the Success of your Consultation Process with Strong Strategic Plans
    Suzette Argo
    Senior Analyst, Special Initiatives, External Stakeholder Management Team, Bank of Canada

    In 2016, the Bank of Canada launched a public consultation campaign asking Canadians to nominate iconic Canadian women to appear on a new bank note. Advance your plans and strategy though this ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at the planning that went into this public consultation campaign. Adopt best practices to:

    • Determine the channels and platforms – traditional and digital – for building awareness of the campaign that best fits your goals
    • Ensure your engagement strategy aligns with your mandate, and consistent messaging is maintained across all channels and platforms
    • Ensure that the results are representative of a wide variety of viewpoints

    Build your consultation strategy from the ground up to ensure it engages citizens in a meaningful way.

  • 4:15 PM
    Keynote Presentation
    Using AI to Support Civic Engagement and Capture Actionable Knowledge from Digital Data

    With the variety of digital tools and devices now available for gathering data, it can be a challenge to extract and organize it to produce the information you need. Learn from a project in the UK called ‘Voice your View’, which applied techniques from Artificial Intelligence to filter, structure and classify data. Develop a blueprint for adopting AI techniques to:

    • Improve the reach of your project and the level of civic engagement
    • Overcome the limitations of traditional methods of consultation with a nimble approach
    • Collect and use data from a variety of devices

    Harness the power of AI to gather actionable insights from your consultation

  • 5:00 PM

    The day will wrap up with a discussion on what to start, what to stop and what to continue doing in your organization.

  • 5:10 PM
    Conference Adjourns to Day Two & Exclusive Evening Reception

    Unwind and mingle with the delegates and speakers at our exclusive end-of-the-day reception. Bring your business cards!

December 6, 2017
December 7, 2017
  • 7:45 AM
    Registration and Breakfast
  • 8:30 AM
    Opening Comment from Chair & Icebreaker
    John Miller (BA, MA, CPF, CTF)
    President, ICA Associates
  • 8:45 AM
    Keynote Address
    Creating Inclusive, Community-based Environmental Research and First Nation Engagement to Enhance your Relationship with Key Stakeholders
    Dean Jacobs
    Consultation Manager, External Projects Program, Walpole Island First Nation

    The Walpole Island First Nation is a leader in developing a community-based approach to environmental research for sustainable development. Enhance your understanding of best practices in working with First Nation communities to get projects past the drawing board. Develop an action plan to:

    • Create an inclusive development strategy that focuses on both community and company needs
    • Gain an in-depth understanding of what First Nation communities care about in relationships with proponents
    • Develop strategies for the sustainability of both the community and the environment in your entry and exit plans

    Improve your engagement strategy for Indigenous groups to help you move your project forward.

  • 9:15 AM
    Adopting Best Practices in your Strategy for Consultation and Engagement with Aboriginal Groups
    Martha Manuel
    First Nations Coordinator, New Gold Inc.

    The reality today is that the success of many projects depends on the quality of engagement with Aboriginal stakeholders. Transform your approach to working with Aboriginal groups by learning from a company that has developed a highly successful strategy for engagement. Walk away with an action plan on:

    • Building relationships based on trust, respect and commitment that are needed to move projects forward
    • Adopting best practices such as New Gold’s Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) and the Participation Agreement used at their Afton Mine site
    • Laying the foundation for sustainable operations that benefit both parties

    Ensure your strategy emulates a private company that has successfully engaged Aboriginal groups.

  • 10:00 AM
    Industry Expert
    How to Train your Team to Deliver an Effective Consultation

    A public consultation strategy cannot be successfully delivered if the execution is poor. Gain hands-on insight into how you can train your team to implement your plan for maximum effect. Walk away with a plan of action to:

    • Create an exciting training session for your colleagues
    • Ensure your team understands the goals of the consultation
    • Engage staff with digital consultation tools

    Guarantee the success of your plan by training your team on delivering a public consultation strategy.

  • 10:30 AM
    Morning Break
  • 11:00 AM
    Case Study: City of Hamilton
    Strategies for Inclusive Public Engagement to Build Trust with Your Stakeholders
    Cindy Mutch
    Senior Project Manager, Community Special Projects, City of Hamilton
    John Ariyo
    Manager, Community Initiatives, Neighbourhood & Community Initiatives Division, City of Hamilton

    Go beyond reaching the usual participants. Explore strategies you can use to ensure your public engagement efforts more fully reflect the demographics of your community. Gain insight on how to:

    • Develop a transparent public consultation process and build stakeholder trust
    • Apply effective approaches for reaching diverse populations
    • Involve residents and community partners successfully in local decision-making

    Build trust with diverse demographics in your consultation plan.

  • 11:30 AM
    Peer to Peer
    Develop a Blueprint to Engage with Millennials

    Millennials are notoriously difficult to engage and are dependent on very different communication streams to other demographics. Reach your targeted audience by implementing new techniques for consultation. Explore best practices to:

    • Target the communication streams desired by Millennials
    • Establish a mix of digital engagement strategies
    • Create a transparent environment to gain stakeholder trust

    Develop a plan for addressing the stakeholders you need to hear from.

  • 11:40 PM
    Tackle Privacy Concerns Effectively

    Privacy continues to concern citizens, and their rights to privacy must be protected. Improve your security and privacy to avoid overstepping the boundaries of citizen privacy. Gain valuable insights on:

    • Taking the right steps to protect citizen privacy
    • Acknowledging what data is feasible to collect
    • How to prevent cyber threats

    Advance your strategy to protect the data you collect.

  • 11:55 AM

    The morning will wrap up with a discussion on what to start, what to stop and what to continue doing in your organization.

  • 12:00 PM
    Networking Lunch
  • 1:00 PM
    Interactive Brainstorm: Birds of a Feather

    Gain insights from your peers and benchmark your organization against others in this interactive session.


  • 1:30 PM
    Hone your Strategy for Engagement to Create Calm Outcomes
    Gerri Gershon
    Trustee, Toronto District School Board
    Jeffrey Crane
    Principal, Thorncliffe Park Elementary School

    There are often situations that arise that pitch stakeholder groups against one another. Navigate stakeholder engagement successfully by learning from those who frequently deal with issues that spark controversy. Create a roadmap to:

    • Reduce tensions among stakeholders
    • Understand the underlying legitimate issues each stakeholder
      group brings and how to balance them
    • Change confrontation to constructive dialogue

    Overcome vocal controversy to create constructive conversation

  • 2:15 PM
    Afternoon Break
  • 2:45 PM
    Panel of Case Studies: Legalization of Cannabis, Alcohol and Gaming
    Designing your Consultation and Engagement Process for Developing Policy
    Mike Comeau
    Deputy Minister of Public Security, New Brunswick Department of Justice and Public Safety
    Elizabeth Yeigh
    Director of Strategic Engagement, Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario
    Jesse Todres
    Legal Counsel to the Ontario Legalization of Cannabis Secretariat, Ministry of the Attorney General

    Discover how you can improve your approach to public consultation by learning from the experiences of those involved in the development of social policy frameworks for gaming, alcohol and more recently, the legalization of cannabis.   Source practical tips to:

    • Determine how to build awareness of the consultation process
    • Identify stakeholders and how to engage them
    • Identify what tools to use to gain broad stakeholder representation

    Navigate the minefield of topics that cause a strong response in stakeholders.

  • 3:30 PM
    Engage your Employees with Innovative Methods to Improve Performance
    Nadia Paladino
    Manager, Special Projects, City of Vaughan Public Works
    Zoran Postic
    Director, Transportation Services Parks and Forestry Operations, City of Vaughn

    Employee stagnation and impaired organizational efficiency is often the by-product of traditional command and control hierarchies. Learn from the City of Vaughan’s ‘Dragon’s Den’ style approach how employee engagement can overcome inertia in your organization. Take back to your office strategies to:

    • Boost the engagement of front-line workers
    • Improve employee morale, culture and cohesion
    • Improve organizational performance and workplace attractiveness

    Utilize ‘dragon’s den’ formats in your engagement strategy.

  • 4:00 PM
    Case Study: Humber River Hospital
    Developing an End-to-end Communication Plan
    Joe Gorman
    Senior Director of Communication, Diversity and Community Relations, Humber River Hospital

    Clear communication throughout the entire consultation and engagement process is critical for a successful outcome. Reduce the risk of your project going off the rails by developing a comprehensive communication plan for all stages of your initiative, including the media. Create a roadmap to:

    • Determine the level and frequency of communication for primary, secondary and tertiary stakeholders
    • Create a strategy for using the communication tools best suited for each group and maintain consistency over time
    • Tailor your communication plan to the diverse needs of the stakeholder groups involved

    Take away a communication plan to support your consultation strategy.

  • 4:30 PM

    The conference will wrap up with a discussion on what to start, what to stop and what to continue doing in your organization.

  • 4:45 PM
    Conference Adjourns
December 7, 2017

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