Top 5 Reasons to Attend

  1. Improve the outcome of your public consultation projects
    Source best practices to maximize the results of your consultation and get project buy-in at Canada’s biggest Public Consultation and Engagement Summit.
  2. Identify strategies to enhance inclusive public participation
    Gain insight into how industry leaders are increasing citizen input to push their projects forward.
  3. Develop a digital plan to achieve the support your project needs
    Transform your processes to cut costs and deliver an efficient public consultation process.
  4. Gain practical insight from proven case studies to foster meaningful engagement
    Promote partnerships and cultivate an environment of meaningful dialogue.
  5. Unlock the code to communicating with Millennials for your engagement initiative
    Unlock valuable methods to advance your public participation with hard to reach groups.

Hear from Past Attendees

Who You Will Meet

Join 200+ thought leaders, experts and professionals from across North America at this unique event.

Public Sector

Ministers / Chief / City Manager / Directors of:

Public Consultation | Citizen Engagement | Urban Planning | Planning | Stakeholder Relations | Community Relations | Economic Development | Healthcare | City Planning

Private Sector

SVP / President / VP / Head / Chief / Director of:

Aboriginal Relations & Engagement | Planning | Stakeholder Relations | Business Planning | Exploration | Human Resources and Engagement | Land and Development | Sustainability | Communication | External Affairs | Strategy and Innovation | Community Planning | Development

Public Consultation Experts

Public Consultation and Engagement Consultants